Whether you are physically shipping across Canadian borders or transferring data via the web, wherever you have a competitive edge, there is someone or a business out there that is ready to imitate or “improve” your industrial design.
By filing an industrial design application, you are staking your claim in your target markets to safeguard your sales and reputation. That is, you are ‘safeguarding’ your intellectual property rights to your industrial design. While not the same ‘thing’ as a patent, industrial designs are still a ‘category’ of intellectual property law.
Canada belongs to several international intellectual property conventions for facilitating filing in other countries. For instance, a Canadian applicant may file an industrial design application in another country within six months of the original industrial design application in Canada and still obtain in the foreign country the Canadian priority filing date.
Whether you are a Canadian company looking to sell your products abroad or a foreign company seeking to do business in Canada, identifying and protecting your intellectual property rights associated with your products will mean the difference between profits and losses.
While our intellectual property law firm is located in Ottawa and Toronto, we work with clients from all over Canada and abroad to help protect your industrial designs. Contact our experienced intellectual property lawyers today for assistance.